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nate's  tree  of links

pronouns page twitter bluesky mastodon

The Universe

Explore the mysterious realms of Brahmāṇḍa: an organization attempting to preserve the safety of their universe after discovering that they are far from alone. Look into their catalog of supernatural and strange items and entities and learn more about what happens when reality breaks down.

Delve into the "Anamneses of The Egg", a unique series of fiction that takes you on a journey through unknown territories, where ethical values are interwoven with surreal yet captivating narratives.

The Universe is not just another collection of objects; it's a bold reimagining of reality itself if it were to break down in chaos. Blending philosophy, intrigue, and creativity in a way that challenges convention. Click to start exploring this epic series of escalating rabbit holes.

defectivejunk classic

Step into the enigmatic labyrinth of Superbad.com DEFECTIVEJUNK. Traverse a chaotic maze of interconnected pages, where abstract images and text dance amongst themselves whimsically in a nonlinear tango.

Each click is a leap into the unknown, a thrilling gamble that may lead you to a forgotten corner of the author's twizted minde – or possibly just some teen angst. DEFECTIVEJUNK is not a website; it's a bewildering experience (if you use your imagination).

Join this unpredictable voyage and find yourself lost in the beautifully perplexing world.


Same, but completely different. JavaScript/graphics/CSS/poetry experiments completely disconnected from each other.

my portal

My classic early-2000s portal of links which I still maintain and use daily. Look behind the curtain.

context cycles

A visual notecard experiment in structure, context, medium, and message.

Boiled Pudding

Once a thriving E/N site full of the latest angst of the year 2000, it now languishes as the commonplace book for a soul who has no sense of taking notes.

venture into the unknown

Who knows what else could happen....

Maybe something good..    Maybe something bad....